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SDL Mission Statement

The primary objective of the Sanilac District Library is to provide and organize significant books and other library materials and to give guidance in their use. The collection of library materials shall be developed in order to meet the cultural, informational, and recreational needs of the community on a fair and equitable basis to all individuals and to cultivate and promote the library as a resource capable of meeting the challenges of today and into the future.

Established Roles 

Role 1: Popular Materials: SDL features current, high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages.

Role 2: Children's Door To Learning: SDL encourages young children to develop an interest in reading and learning through materials, programs and services for children and their parents. 

Role 3: Lifelong Learning: SDL provides materials, programs and services that contribute to lifelong learning and personal growth.

Role 4: Technology: SDL provides public computers with Microsoft Office software, internet connectivity and wifi to access electronic information. SDL's website provides a gateway to virtual services available 24/7/365.