Driving-Tests.org is a national company dedicated to driver safety and education. Free practice tests from the Department of Motor Vehicles are available to SDL patrons.
This is the only site of its kind to include accessibility tools that allow users to hear selections read aloud, make them into MP3s, translate pages into other languages, magnify text, and mask sections of the screen for greater visibility.
The site is designed to help new drivers study state manuals and take driving practice tests based on the real DMV written exams. The program will benefit teens as well as adults who need to renew their driver’s license and those with disabilities.
The Driving-Tests program contains the following state-specific information:
- Car practice tests
- Motorcycle practice tests
- CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice tests
- Online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL)
- A FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions